Today IS the DAY!!

Today IS the DAY!!! Its been a busy few months in the workshop (since my last blog), i’m not complaining in the slightest, I love being in the workshop making beautiful items of furniture for both repeat customers and new ones alike. A day in the workshop, no matter how many hours that consists of, 8,10,12,14+ is not like a day at work for me at all!! I am so very fortunate to be able to work for myself, its not without some serious hard work and loooooong hours, but to be truly happy and content with ones life, both work and personal seems quite rare these days. Life for us in rural North Devon, is our lifestyle, there are of course all the regular bits of life that challenge us, stresses, strains etc. but our enjoyment and happiness is always there.

Any way I’ve digressed, so over the last few months I’ve completely neglected / procrastinated from adding more content to this website, the shop and the blog and I haven’t even published the site for public viewing!! BUT i have NOW, its now up and running for the world to see……and hopefully purchase from! I have plenty to work out with SEO, google ad words and other ways to try to promote, but I’m just excited that I’ve managed to build this site and have pressed the PUBLISH button!!

I can’t guarantee the regularity of my blogs, but I will try. I hope you like the site and the products you see. If you’re not seeing what you’re after, just let me know. I can make to your requirements, the bespoke way!

See you all soon.


PS. Hopefully i’ll manage to attach a couple of photos of recent work with this blog, just need to re educate myself on how to do it!


Happy New Year & SALE time


Still working on it!